Welcome to the place where we get messy together on our way to doing and being better as Real Estate Professionals who believe in social justice and people over profit.
The intersection of racial justice and real estate can feel daunting. Join me to learn the history we aren’t taught, the reality of what’s at stake, and gain new skills and tools to create the change our real estate industry desperately needs. This is not a fair housing training. This is deeper.
You do hard things.
I know you do!
You want a better world.
I know you do!
I do too. This is part of the process.
This is foundational work of getting a better look at the underbelly of the real estate industry so we can learn to see how systems of oppression are working in ways we aren’t supposed to see. We don’t know what we don’t know until we know. This is the time to know.
I invite you into a circle of Real Estate Professionals, who identify as white, to dive into important inquiries and necessary conversations at the intersection of racial justice and real estate.
How do we be better? We start by creating a group of interested real estate professionals (can be made up of Brokers, Salespeople, Lenders, Bankers, and team members) to commit to eight sessions of learning and intimate conversations in a small group setting, with no more than ten participants. We will examine ourselves and the systems we are a part of with radical honesty, compassion, and courage. We do this in a gentle yet firm manner…because compassion matters.
There will be teachings, homework, videos to watch, podcasts to listen to, articles to read, and personal/professional reflections to dive into. There will be open sharing from and with everyone, community and trust-building, and encouragement. There is no ‘right’ way to do this, so leave your expectations in another room, bring an open mind, and step into a new way of learning.
The details:
– 90 minute zoom calls, once a week, for 8 weeks.
– Small group, 7-10 participants.
– Cost: $440
Email me at sara@thealvaradogroup.com to schedule a discovery call to answer any questions you may have.
Get Messy, Get Better: For Realtors is a guided conversation for exploring the intersection of racial justice and real estate.